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Contribute new storage

Duplicate driver/template to extend the new store. Please read CONTRIBUTING

Some interfaces have been updated, please check the code for details.

The design of the driver part of alist is easy to extend, no need to modify other files, just create a new package under the back-end project drivers package and reference this package in the all.go file, the package needs to contain at least two files :

  • driver.go
  • {name}.go

{name} represents the storage name

You can extend a new storage strategy.


The following things need to be done in this file:

  • Create a new struct
  • Implement the Driver interface under drivers/base for this struct:
type Driver interface {
Config() DriverConfig
Items() []Item
Save(account *model.Account, old *model.Account) error
File(path string, account *model.Account) (*model.File, error)
Files(path string, account *model.Account) ([]model.File, error)
Link(path string, account *model.Account) (*Link, error)
Path(path string, account *model.Account) (*model.File, []model.File, error)
Proxy(c *gin.Context, account *model.Account)
Preview(path string, account *model.Account) (interface{}, error)
// The following method is used for WebDAV writing, you don’t need to implement it, just return base.ErrNotImplement
MakeDir(path string, account *model.Account) error
Move(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error
Copy(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error
Delete(path string, account *model.Account) error
Upload(file *model.FileStream, account *model.Account) error


The following things need to be done in this file:

  • Implement some functions needed in the previous file
  • Create an init function, and register the struct in the previous file in the init function by calling RegisterDriver

Driver interface

Config() DriverConfig

Return an instance of DriverConfig:

type DriverConfig struct {
Name string // storage name, unique identification
OnlyProxy bool // Whether it can only be transferred through the server

Items() []Item

Return a []Item, representing the information needed for this storage, all optional information is defined in model.Account, Item:

type Item struct {
Name string `json:"name"` //Name, must match the json identifier in Account
Label string `json:"label"` // The label displayed on the front end
Type string `json:"type"` // Type, optional string/select/bool, defined in drivers/types.go
Values ​​string `json:"values"` // Optional, use, and split when the type is select
Required bool `json:"required"` // Is it a required option
Description string `json:"description"` // description of this item

Save(account model.Account, old model.Account) error

It is called when the stored account is added/updated. If it is updated, the old account will be passed in, and each account will be initialized in this function, such as

  • Add timed tasks
  • Check if the account is correct
  • Assign default values ​​to empty values

Return an error when an error occurs

File(path string, account model.Account) (model.File, error)

Returns the File instance pointer or error corresponding to the passed path, which is defined in model.File. In the functions at the beginning of this letter and later, the path passed in is already the calculated value, and the prefix for multiple accounts has been removed. All common errors are defined in the drivers/types.go file.

Files(path string, account *model.Account) ([]model.File, error)

Returns all slices or errors in the File list under the directory corresponding to the passed path.

Returns the direct link of the file corresponding to the incoming path (except local), and contains the request headers that need to be carried.

Path(path string, account model.Account) (model.File, []model.File, error)

Judge whether it is a file or a folder by calling the above-mentioned File and Files function, and return it. When it is a file, a direct link of the file is attached.

Proxy(c gin.Context, account model.Account)

When transiting through the server, the processing of the request context, such as:

  • Add/modify/remove Authorization/Origin/Referrer

Preview(path string, account *model.Account) (interface{}, error)

When this store provides a preview interface, it can be implemented selectively, and if the front-end is implemented, it needs to be modified accordingly. like:

  • Office preview of Alibaba Cloud Disk.

MakeDir(path string, account *model.Account) error

Create folder

Move(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error

Move and rename

Copy(src string, dst string, account *model.Account) error


Delete(path string, account *model.Account) error


Upload(file model.FileStream, account model.Account) error

upload files