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Background hidden

Background api doesn't return hidden data


Please note: v2.0.6 and later, the hidden function is invalid after the administrator is logged in.

Add a record at the background meta information, fill in the path and the name of the file (folder) to be hidden in the path, where the path is the same as path in encryption

After filling in the path correctly, fill in the hide field, fill in the name of the file (folder) to be hidden, separated by , for example, to hide the and index.tsx files under local storage, fill in:

  • path: /local storage
  • hide:,index.tsx

That's it.

Front end hidden

The backend api will return data, but the frontend will not display it.

Fill in the setting of hide files in the front-end settings in the background to match the files hidden by regular expressions. If you don’t understand them, don’t fill them in randomly. Wrong regular expressions will cause the front-end page to crash. One per line, one hidden by default under all directories Example expressions of